Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Oatmeal" muffins

It was a grim pantry/fridge this morning. Out of milk and eggs and coffee creamer and fruit and yogurt and granola. Sometimes avoiding the grocery not only saves money and time but also forces creativity to the next level. In the pantry was a can of sweetened condensed milk which I opened to yummy up my coffee, but the little boy at my elbow was HUNGRY! hmmm.

On the counter was sitting yesterday's (now congealed) oatmeal --around 2 and a half cups worth. It seemed a sad thing to waste in the circumstances. So I dumped it in a bowl with a cup and a half of whole wheat flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, a teaspoon of baking soda, a 1/2 teaspoon of salt and proceeded to use a pastry cutter to mix it up. Then I added some liquids: 2/3cup of oil, 1/4cup of milk (all I had), 1 egg (all I had), 1/4 cup of the sweetened condensed milk (since it was already opened), 1 Tablespoon of vanilla. Stirred it up with a fork and scooped it into prepared muffin tins (made 2 dozen). Baked at 400degrees for 16mins.

YUMMY. Not a single one remained by 11am. My kids are like hobbits and have multiple breakfasts. =)

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